A three part series of new research has just been added to our website!

New substantial research has just been added to our website. Find it here.

The titles of the documents are:

COVID cuts highlight intellectual bankruptcy of Coalition higher education policies. (Part 1)

Coalition policies and corporatization of universities are premised on shifting costs to students and staff. (Part 2)

The authoritarian academy: corporate governance of Australia’s universities exploits staff and students and degrades academic standards. (Part 3)

These three articles are the product of many discussions, comments and feedback from colleagues at more than a dozen universities over the last several years. They are intended to provide background for a national campaign for reform of Australia’s higher education system involving Academics for Public Universities, the Australian Association of University Professors, the National Higher Education Action Network and the National Tertiary Education Union. Please feel free to contact any of these organizations if you are interested in becoming involved.

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