The research kit is a manual on how to conduct your own critical accounting of university governance.

- Download the provided documents:
Critical accounting of University Governance: Staffing, Students, Expenditure by Adam Lucas, Better University Governance, University of Wollongong
UoW Assets, Liabilities, Revenue & ‘Other Expenses’, 2010-1019 by Adam Lucas, Better University Governance, University of Wollongong
20 Years of University of Wollongong Annual Reports, 2000-1019 by Adam Lucas, Better University Governance, University of Wollongong
First read the research manual titled Critical accounting of University Governance: Staffing, Students, Expenditure by Adam Lucas, Better University Governance, University of Wollongong
- The other documents provided show an example outcome of this research methodology.
- Get started with your own research.
- Get in touch with us and let us know about your research. We can also publish your work on this website to share it far and wide.