An open letter from the Australian Academic community

Due to the current COVID19 predicament, Australian Universities are predicted to lose over 19 billion Australian dollars over the course of the next three years, leading to significant job losses and a consequential significant decrease in the overall quality of both pedagogy and research.
The Australian government has, thus far, decided to provide very limited support to Australian Universities to deal with the ‘coronavirus crisis’, forcing institution managements to adopt a range of drastic measures including major job cuts and significantly reduced conditions. However, since shortly after the start of this crisis, we have led an initiative involving a great number of Australian academics to investigate alternative solutions to the current measures, and, as a result, we have identified much deeper, long-standing, and structural issues that have caused Australian Universities to become particularly vulnerable to relatively unexpected events.
A generation ago, the management of Australian Universities was conducted by a collegium of those who were recognised as the most distinguished academics in a given institution. Two decades later, most University Councils have ceased to be transparently accountable to either the Universities on whose behalf they are legally intended to act or to the larger political community. Furthermore, the current executive cadre appointed by these increasingly autocratic Councils, far from displaying the degree of excellence of the past, is instead often comprised of astonishingly well-paid, often institution-hopping, administrators without any long-term institutional knowledge and memory. It is, therefore, unsurprising that Australian Universities as centres of excellence and free inquiry are now on the brink of ‘extinction’.
To counter this trajectory, we propose a return to the time-honoured and proven horizontal University model most of the world’s Universities still operate under. We propose that University Council are, once again, made accountable to both the University on whose behalf they operate and the larger body politics. Furthermore, we propose that all executive roles are selected through internal transparent and democratic processes rather than through a commercial corporate recruitment strategy. While enacting significant financial savings, this ensures that existing members of the academic community are able to intervene in the overall governance of the Universitas, as intended by and expected from each of the Australian Universities’ enabling legislation.
We would like to invite you to read and sign the Open Letter below.

The Financial Failure of the Australian corporate university: an alternative way forward.
The ‘crisis’
As a direct result of the current COVID 19 predicament, Australian Universities are predicted to lose over 19 billion Australian dollars over the next three years, leading to significant job losses and a consequential decrease in the quality of both pedagogy and research. Financial modelling, recently published by the University of Melbourne, reveals that the longer-term prospects of richer institutions are ‘grim’, even though they may have enough assets to withstand the current crisis, while poorer universities face a veritable existential threat. Since the Australian government has, thus far, decided to provide limited support to Universities to deal with the crisis, University managements have adopted a range of at times drastic measures, with, in some cases, large numbers of staff being forced to accept job cuts and reduced conditions to avoid institutional insolvency. The very survival of Australia’s tradition of academic rigour, inquiry, and freedom is presently under threat.
The emergence of the corporate university
Rather than being the cause of the current crisis, however, the COVID 19 predicament has only revealed pre-existing and longstanding vulnerabilities. Over the past several decades, Australian Universities have morphed into quasi-commercial corporations, notwithstanding enabling legislation that explicitly establishes academic institutions as body corporates with non-commercial goals and functions. The result has been a significant increase in economic competition between institutions, aggressive student (especially international) recruitment, vast marketing budgets, ever increasing demands on staff productivity, extensive casualisation, increasingly autocratic University Councils with diminished accountability, and the entrenchment of a swollen, astonishingly well paid, cadre of senior and executive managers.
The growth of this executive and managerial cadre has led to an increasing number of career-focused, institution-hopping academics, separate and distinct from the rest of the academic collegium, whose salaries far exceed those of the vast majority of their international counterparts. While their existence has been justified with refrains to the logic of market-based economics, the resulting increased centralization of power in the hands of an autocratic elite has not led to increased performance and economic efficiency, as the current COVID 19 crisis has starkly revealed. In fact, the emergence of the commercial corporate University in Australia has led to systemic organisational waste, overall uncertainty, and extreme financial vulnerability.
The problem
At present, most University Councils have ceased to be transparently accountable to either the Universities on whose behalf they are legally intended to act or to the broader public who funds the University sector. As a result, University Councils now operate as autocratic entities who internally elect the vast majority of their own members. Moreover, University Councils create, enable, and perpetuate a hierarchical executive structure intended to mimic the commercial corporate sector, and who, ultimately, preside over a University model that has both strayed from its legislative intention and has proven to be financially fragile.
Furthermore, while complex organisational structures are certainly necessary due to the large size of academic institutions, the number of stakeholders, and numerous standards and accreditation requirements, there exists no inherent mandate to allocate or delegate decision making authority to a cadre of separate, often institution-hopping, astonishingly well-paid individuals. Their lack of institutional knowledge and memory, the consistent carousel of change engendered by rapidly rotating roles, and overall excessive salary expenditures for an oversized executive and managerial cohort that ‘produces’ little of what a University core ‘product’ is: that is, tertiary teaching and research. These are all factors contributing to the current vulnerable position Universities find themselves in.
Our proposal
We argue that a structural reform is required to address the problems the current crisis has revealed. We propose a return to the time-honoured and proven horizontal University model most of the world’s Universities still operate under. We propose that University Councils are, once again, made accountable to both the University on whose behalf they operate and the larger body politic. Furthermore, we propose that all senior and middle-executive roles, including but not limited to Vice-Chancellors, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Pro-Vice Chancellors, Heads of Schools, Faculties and Colleges, as well as all other Directorial and equivalent roles, are selected through internal processes rather than through a commercial corporate recruitment strategy.
Universities are one of the oldest continuous institutions known to humankind. Their commitment to advanced inquiry, rigorous education and freedom of thought constitute the intellectual soul of all modern nations. A good University sector is an essential pillar of the nation, indispensable for its future prosperity, intellectual robustness and financial wellbeing. Rather than being overwhelmed by the current crisis, and allow it to be dominated by business-as-usual orthodoxy likely to further re-enact the existing financial and structural vulnerability of Australian Universities, we ought to use this crisis as an opportunity to reclaim the University and reimagine our public institutions as the necessary tools to help us navigate our increasingly uncertain and daunting common future.
I agree to be a signatory to the open letter.
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anonymus | ||
Associate Professor | Matthew Currell | RMIT |
Professor | Dylan Jayatilaka | University of Western Australia |
Dr | Yvette Watt | University of Tasmania |
Professor | anonymus | James Cook University |
Louise Ingersoll | Western Sydney University | |
Professor | Peter Holbrook | University of Queensland |
Associate Professor | Tanja Dreher | UNSW |
Dr | Jayden Newstead | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Jaime Valls Miro | UTS |
Dr | Adrian McNeil | Monash University |
Associate Professor | anonymus | University of Western Australia |
Michael Cvetkovic | independent | |
Dr | Jane Attenbrow | University of Sydney |
Dr | Scott MacWilliam | Australian National University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Queensland |
Dr | anonymus | University of Canberra |
Associate Professor | Raimondo Bruno | University of Tasmania |
Dr | anonymus | University of Tasmania |
anonymus | Southern Cross University | |
Dr | anonymus | Federation University |
Professor | Robert Seamark | Flinders University |
Professor | James Higham | University of Otago |
Dr | Piper Rodd | Deakin University |
Professor | anonymus | University of Melbourne |
Dr | anonymus | Charles Sturt University |
Sharon Gray | Australian National University | |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Professor | Zoran Ristovski | Queensland University of Technology |
Matthew Campbell | Queensland University of Technology | |
Dr | David Tien | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | Natalia Hanley | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Sarah Andrewartha | University of Tasmania |
Dr | Andreas Stroehlein | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Matthew Tieu | Flinders University |
Dr | David Wright | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Samuel Whiting | University of South Australia |
Dr | Jo Cramer | RMIT |
Professor | Claire Smith | Flinders University |
anonymus | University of Melbourne | |
Associate Professor | Scott Webster | Deakin University |
Dr | anonymus | UNSW |
Dr | anonymus | Griffith University |
Matt Wilkinson-Stokes | Australian Catholic University | |
Dr | Barbara Cosson | Swinburne University of Technology |
Anja Jilkemeijer | University of Tasmania | |
Dr | anonymus | independent |
anonymus | University of Wollongong | |
Dr | Joyce Noronha-Barrett | Australian National University |
Professor | Gideon Boas | La Trobe University |
Keelan Parker | Southern Cross University | |
Dr | Ian Wilson | Murdoch University |
Professor | William Maley | Australian National University |
Emeritus Professor | Bal Saini | University of Queensland |
Dr | Lachlan Palmer | Flinders University |
Dr | anonymus | University of South Australia |
Dr | Helen Kilpatrick | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Andrew Brooks | UNSW |
Dr | Anna Lintern | Monash University |
anonymus | Southern Cross University | |
Associate Professor | Darryl Coulthard | Victoria University |
Dr | Damian Shaw-Williams | Queensland University of Technology |
Associate Professor | Heung Chin Cheng | University of Melbourne |
Dr | anonymus | La Trobe University |
Professor | Janfu Chen | La Trobe University |
Dr | Petra Bueskens | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Bea Bleile | University of New England |
Kai Tanter | University of Melbourne | |
Dr | Bridget Harris | Queensland University of Technology |
Associate Professor | Andrei Lyamin | University of Newcastle |
Dr | Maria Elander | La Trobe University |
Dr | Joshua Ramsay | Curtin University |
Dr | Karen Sullivan | University of Queensland |
Dr | anonymus | RMIT |
Dave Burrows | University of Sydney | |
Dr | anonymus | Swinburne University of Technology |
Tanya Carlyle | University of Newcastle | |
Dr | Kevin Markwell | Southern Cross University |
Marc Colbeck | Australian Catholic University | |
Timothy Hennessy | Monash University | |
anonymus | University of the Sunshine Coast | |
Dr | Kai Schulz | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Elisabeth Deschaseaux | Southern Cross University |
Professor | Richard Hobbs | University of Western Australia |
Dr | Ann El Khoury | UTS |
anonymus | Deakin University | |
Dr | Peter Loxley | University of New England |
Dr | Julie Kimber | Swinburne University of Technology |
Dr | Shane Chalmers | University of Melbourne |
Associate Professor | John Bamberg | University of Western Australia |
Rebeca Paredes-Nieto | UNSW | |
Associate Professor | Sigfredo Fuentes | University of Melbourne |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Arun Konagurthu | Monash University |
Dr | Esther Erlings | Flinders University |
Dr | Nicholas Harrigan | Macquarie University |
anonymus | University of Melbourne | |
Holly Sansone | Queensland University of Technology | |
Jim Kapetangiannis | Swinburne University of Technology | |
Dr | anonymus | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Peter Robinson | Swinburne University of Technology |
Associate Professor | Patrick Johnston | Queensland University of Technology |
Associate Professor | Ika Willis | University of Wollongong |
anonymus | UTS | |
Professor | George Cho AM | University of Canberra |
Dr | jean Renouf | Southern Cross University |
Associate Professor | Chris Houston | Macquarie University |
Professor | Heather Burke | Flinders University |
Associate Professor | Rachel Whitsed | Charles Sturt University |
Professor | Fiona Probyn-Rapsey | University of Wollongong |
Dr | anonymus | Queensland University of Technology |
Dr | anonymus | University of Melbourne |
Dr | anonymus | University of Wollongong |
anonymus | Western Sydney University | |
Dr | anonymus | Charles Sturt University |
Katelyn Boulton | Macquarie University | |
Chloe Boyd | Deakin University | |
anonymus | Southern Cross University | |
Associate Professor | anonymus | Federation University |
Honorary Associate Professor | Peter Dart | University of Queensland |
Emeritus Professor | Julian Croft | University of New England |
Professor | anonymus | RMIT |
Professor | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Associate Professor | anonymus | University of Tasmania |
Dr | anonymus | RMIT |
Dr | anonymus | Charles Sturt University |
Emeritus Professor | John Braithwaite | Australian National University |
Dr | Stephanie Alley | Central Queensland University |
Dr | Blair Williams | Australian National University |
professor | Mark Kelly | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Waseem Kamleh | University of Adelaide |
Dr | anonymus | Flinders University |
Emeritus Professor | Anna Yeatman | Western Sydney University |
Dr | David Lim | Flinders University |
Professor | Christopher Ocker | Australian Catholic University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Queensland |
Dr | Luciana D’Arcangeli | Flinders University |
Emeritus Professor | Miles Little | University of Sydney |
Dr | Monique Mann | Deakin University |
Professor | Anthony Burke | UNSW |
Professor | anonymus | University of Newcastle |
Dr | Adam Daniel | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Shelley Cowden | Deakin University |
Yvette Holt | Southern Cross University | |
Dr | Charles Hawksley | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Grant Banfield | University of South Australia |
Dr | anonymus | UNSW |
Associate Professor | Monica Gagliano | University of Sydney |
Professor | David Kemp | Charles Sturt University |
Associate Professor | anonymus | University of Wollongong |
Dr | anonymus | Griffith University |
Dr | Maria Kunda | University of Tasmania |
Distinguished Professor | Dianne Nicol | University of Tasmania |
Dr | anonymus | University of Sydney |
Bradley Reich | Swinburne University of Technology | |
Inge Saris | Australian National University | |
Associate Professor | Leanne Weber | Monash University |
Dr | Bruce Stevenson | University of New England |
Dr | Alexander Hunter | Australian National University |
Associate Professor | Duncan Galloway | Monash University |
Alex Cothren | Flinders University | |
Professor | Arthur Georges | University of Canberra |
Professor | Anthony Zwi | UNSW |
Dr | anonymus | UNSW |
anonymus | ABC | |
anonymus | University of Wollongong | |
Craig Wilson | Southern Cross University | |
Dr | Klaus Thoeni | University of Newcastle |
Dr | Marcelo Svirsky | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Matt Stevens | Charles Darwin University |
Dr | Jennifer Lacy-Nichols | University of Melbourne |
Professor | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Dr | Sam Wells | University of Adelaide |
Dr | James Sauer | University of Tasmania |
Dr | anonymus | Deakin University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Sydney |
Associate Professor | Lucas Lixinski | UNSW |
Associate Professor | anonymus | Swinburne University of Technology |
Dr | Coralie Millet | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Leon Wong | UNSW |
Toni McLennan | University of Melbourne | |
Professor | David Butler | Griffith University |
Dr | anonymus | University of South Australia |
Professor | anonymus | University of Queensland |
Professor | anonymus | Australian National University |
Dr | Laura Schroeter | University of Melbourne |
Associate Professor | Daniel Bucher | Southern Cross University |
Professor | Stacy Carter | University of Wollongong |
Adjunct Professor | Philip Neck | Southern Cross University |
Associate Professor | Vera Weisbecker | Flinders University |
Dr | Simon Greenhill | Australian National University |
Dr | Linda Steele | UTS |
Jesse Martin | La Trobe University | |
Professor | Robert Pascoe | Victoria University |
Dr | Toby Fitch | University of Sydney |
Duncan Caillard | University of Melbourne | |
Dr | John Grant | Southern Cross University |
anonymus | University of Queensland | |
Dennis Boothby | independent | |
Dr | Hannah Harris | Macquarie University |
anonymus | Charles Sturt University | |
Dr | Ines Anton-Mendez | University of New England |
Emeritus Professor | Keith Allan | Monash University |
Kelly McConville | University of Melbourne | |
Linda Thompson | University of Melbourne | |
anonymus | University of South Australia | |
anonymus | TAFE Queensland | |
Dr | anonymus | Flinders University |
Professor | Hans Zoellner | University of Sydney |
Dr | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Dr | Philippa McCormack | University of Tasmania |
Dr | Heather Winskel | Southern Cross University |
Claudia Macleay | Charles Sturt University | |
Dr | Emma Dalton | RMIT |
Adjunct Associate Professor | Bruce McCabe | UTS |
Dr | anonymus | Deakin University |
Professor | Chris Johnson | University of Tasmania |
Dr | Anderly Chüeh | Monash University/University of Melbourne |
Clarissa Whitehead | University of Melbourne | |
Dr | Joe Fontaine | Murdoch University |
Professor | Chris Ryan | University of Melbourne |
Professor | Carole Cusack | University of Sydney |
Professor | Andrew McLennan | University of Queensland |
Dr | Bennet McComish | University of Tasmania |
Rebecca Faugno | University of Western Australia | |
Professor | William MacNeil | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Giles Fielke | University of Melbourne |
Chantal Crozet | RMIT | |
Professor | Silvia Frisia | University of Newcastle |
Associate Professor | anonymus | UNSW |
Eike Steinig | James Cook University | |
anonymus | Australian National University | |
Professor | Gerd Schmalz | University of New England |
Annette Herrera | University of Melbourne | |
Dr | anonymus | Victoria University |
Associate Professor | Wolfram Dressler | University of Melbourne |
Associate Professor | anonymus | UNSW |
Professor | Thomas Fudge | University of New England |
anonymus | Monash University | |
Dr | Honni van Rijswijk | UTS |
Marnie Sier | La Trobe University | |
Gregoria Manzin | La Trobe University | |
anonymus | Macquarie University | |
Associate Professor | Julie Jupp | UTS |
Nicholas Avery | University of Sydney | |
Professor | Vadim Kamenetsky | University of Tasmania |
Graeme Cotter | James Cook University | |
Professor | Keith Jacobs | University of Tasmania |
Professor | anonymus | RMIT |
Adjunct Professor | Heidi Dahles | Griffith University |
anonymus | University of Sydney | |
Professor | Robert Cribb | Australian National University |
Ivo Vekemans | Australian National University | |
Emeritus Professor | anonymus | University of Queensland |
Dr | anonymus | University of Melbourne |
Sam Gibbard | RMIT | |
Affiliate Professor | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Dr | Meagan Tyler | RMIT |
Associate Professor | Lynley Wallis | Griffith University |
Dr | Daniel McLoughlin | UNSW |
Professor | anonymus | University of Newcastle |
Professor | Julian Meyrick | Griffith University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Western Australia |
Tanzil Shafique | University of Melbourne | |
Coral Campbell | Charles Darwin University | |
Dr | anonymus | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Natasha Carlson-Perret | Southern Cross University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Matthew O’Donohue | Queensland University of Technology | |
Associate Professor | John Tibby | University of Adelaide |
anonymus | University of Tasmania | |
anonymus | University of Tasmania | |
Professor | Josef Gecz | University of Adelaide |
anonymus | Queensland University of Technology | |
Paul Gittingss | UTS | |
Dr | anonymus | University of Queensland |
Dr | Arjun Pandey | University of Melbourne |
Associate Professor | Frances Clarke | University of Sydney |
Dr | Emma Ryan | Deakin University |
Professor | Peter Karuso | Macquarie University |
Dr | Jason Mazanov | University of Canberra |
Dr | Savitri Taylor | La Trobe University |
Dr | anonymus | Flinders University |
Dr | Tony Yeigh | Southern Cross University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Associate Professor | Ilana Mushin | University of Queensland |
Dr | anonymus | Murdoch University |
anonymus | University of Canberra | |
Dr | anonymus | La Trobe University |
Dr | anonymus | RMIT |
Dr | Edward Morgan | Griffith University |
nanda Jarosz | University of Sydney | |
Associate Professor | Frederick Vervaet | University of Melbourne |
Associate Professor | Todd Mitchell | University of Wollongong |
Emeritus Professor | Allan R Chivas | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Joseph Rothnagel | University of Queensland |
Dr | Jayne Persian | University of Southern Queensland |
Dr | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
William Bevens | University of Melbourne | |
Dr | Stephanie Trend | University of Western Australia |
Dr | Allan Ardill | Griffith University |
Erica Weston | Aurecon group | |
Dr | Alan Marshall | La Trobe University |
Dr | Kim Peters | University of Queensland |
Dr | Susan Potter | University of Sydney |
Professor | Andrew Heathcote | University of Tasmania |
David Wheeler | University of Wollongong | |
Associate Professor | Charles Livingstone | Monash University |
Dr | David Wishart | La Trobe University |
Associate Professor | Mike Morley | Flinders University |
anonymus | Southern Cross University | |
Associate Professor | Ian Murray | University of Western Australia |
Professor | Scott Johnston | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Paul Williams | Griffith University |
anonymus | University of Newcastle | |
Ruth Jelly | University of Melbourne | |
Dr | anonymus | Griffith University |
Dr | Jon Prince | Murdoch University |
Associate Professor | Sinclair Dinnen | Australian National University |
Professor | Igor Litvinyuk | Griffith University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Tasmania |
Melinda J Lewis | Charles Sturt University | |
Dr | anonymus | UNSW |
Professor | Philip Hayward | UTS |
Dr | Nick Riemer | University of Sydney |
Jonathan Beagley | RMIT | |
Dr | Celeste Rodriguez Louro | University of Western Australia |
Dr | Julian Waters-Lynch | RMIT |
Dr | Rachel Jefferson-Buchanan | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Sydney |
Dr | anonymus | Murdoch University |
Associate Professor | anonymus | Murdoch University |
Dr | Belinda Spagnoletti | University of Melbourne |
Roberta Davidson | University of Adelaide | |
anonymus | Australian National University | |
Jarred Lloyd | University of Adelaide | |
Sally Ann McIntyre | Deakin University | |
Dr | anonymus | University of Wollongong |
Professor | Sarah Russell | Swinburne University of Technology |
Dr | Scott Edwards | Charles Sturt University |
Megan Weier | UNSW | |
Brendan Chapman | Murdoch University | |
Associate Professor | anonymus | Monash University |
Nina Rovis-Hermann | Murdoch University | |
Dr | anonymus | University of Wollongong |
Emeritus Professor | Geoffrey Lawrence | University of Queensland |
Dr | anonymus | UNSW |
Professor | Adrian Vickers | University of Sydney |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Professor | Rob Richards | University of Adelaide |
Dr | Freya Higgins-Desbiolles | University of South Australia |
Dr | Alison Ciesla | UNSW |
Dr | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
anonymus | La Trobe University | |
Dr | Emilie Dotte-Sarout | University of Western Australia |
Associate Professor | Heiko Gerlach | University of Queensland |
Dr | Clare Farmer | Deakin University |
Niki Baras | RMIT | |
Dr | Karin von Strokirch | University of New England |
Professor | Evelyne de Leeuw | UNSW |
professor | Fran Collyer | University of Sydney |
Dr | anonymus | Griffith University |
Dr | Rob Conkie | La Trobe University |
Dr | Kylie A Steel | Western Sydney University |
Bree Carlton | Deakin University | |
anonymus | University of the Sunshine Coast | |
Rory Sutherland | Monash University | |
Caroline Kerr | La Trobe University | |
Mason Sullivan | University of Western Australia | |
Professor | Anja Scheffers | Southern Cross University |
Professor | anonymus | Curtin University |
Associate Professor | Wang Sheng Lee | Deakin University |
Emeritus Professor | Gordon Grigg | University of Queensland |
anonymus | Southern Cross University | |
Dr | anonymus | independent |
Professor | Glenn Browning | University of Melbourne |
Dr | John Jansen | University of Wollongong |
Associate Professor | Christopher Jordens | University of Sydney |
Jean Mulder | University of Melbourne | |
Asmaa Khadim | Griffith University | |
Dr | anonymus | Monash University |
Ridvan Atlihan | University of Melbourne | |
Dr | anonymus | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Erin O’Donnell | University of Melbourne |
anonymus | Australian National University | |
professor | Al Rainnie | University of South Australia |
Professor | anonymus | University of Western Australia |
Professor | anonymus | Curtin University |
Dr | Jillian Garvey | La Trobe University |
Professor | anonymus | RMIT |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Zoe Keath | Queensland University of Technology | |
Olga Garcia-Caro | RMIT | |
Dr | Naomi Stekelenburg | Queensland University of Technology |
Professor | John Hurley | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Paul Munro | UNSW |
Toni McPherson | University of Newcastle | |
Dr | Clinton Hayes | Central Queensland University |
Dr | Alessandro Achilli | Monash University |
Dr | Bronwen Levy | University of Queensland |
Dr | Shaun Ratcliff | University of Sydney |
Dr | Peter Phipps | RMIT |
Associate Professor | anonymus | University of New England |
Dr | Andrew Bennie | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Iris Levin | Swinburne University of Technology |
Dr | Lisa Milner | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Michael Ferov | University of Newcastle |
Associate Professor | Gerd Schröder-Turk | Murdoch University |
Associate Professor | Kris Hughes | Charles Sturt University |
Associate Professor | Kerry Mullan | RMIT |
Dr | anonymus | University of Melbourne |
Marissa Wilcox | RMIT | |
Dr | anonymus | La Trobe University |
Professor | Michael Leach | Swinburne University of Technology |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Professor | Margaret Miller | University of Sydney |
Dr | Kynan Tan | UNSW |
Halim Moore | Queensland University of Technology | |
dr | Claire Lewin | Western Sydney University |
Dr | William Peterson | Flinders University |
Professor | Mike Calver | Murdoch University |
Associate Professor | Michael Lardelli | University of Adelaide |
Professor | Alice Vrielink | University of Western Australia |
anonymus | Southern Cross University | |
Associate Professor | Shaun Wilson | Macquarie University |
Akita Hodgson | Australian National University | |
Associate Professor | Shady Cosgrove | University of Wollongong |
Associate Professor | Andrew Fluck | University of Tasmania |
Dr | anonymus | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Rebecca Pearse | Australian National University |
John Griffin | Queensland University of Technology | |
Dr | Norman Do | Monash University |
Professor | Eugene Haydn Walters | University of Tasmania |
Dr | anonymus | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Jenny Johnston | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Hannah McCann | University of Melbourne |
Associate Professor | anonymus | Charles Darwin University |
Professor | Corneel Vandelanotte | Central Queensland University |
Barbara Kinder | Southern Cross University | |
Dr | Michael Griffiths | University of Wollongong |
Dr | anonymus | University of Newcastle |
Dr | Jacqui Mowbray | University of Sydney |
Dr | Brad Shipway | Southern Cross University |
Professor | Frank Seebacher | University of Sydney |
Dr | Elizabeth O’Brien | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Jason Reynolds | Western Sydney University |
Daniel Loats | RMIT | |
Dr | anonymus | Monash University |
Professor | Murray Whitelaw | University of Adelaide |
Shelley Eder | Charles Darwin University | |
Dr | Alison Holland | Macquarie University |
Dr | Ruth F.G. Williams | La Trobe University |
anonymus | University of Wollongong | |
Dr | Larelle Bossi | University of Tasmania |
Dr | Roderick Ewins | University of Tasmania |
anonymus | Macquarie University | |
Professor | anonymus | Western Sydney University |
Rod Stuart | Massey University | |
Ashlee Cunningham | Deakin University | |
Dr | Morry Rottem | University of Melbourne/Monash University |
Associate Professor | Selvaraj Velayutham | Macquarie University |
anonymus | Queensland University of Technology | |
anonymus | University of Canberra | |
Dr | anonymus | RMIT |
Dr | Michael Richardson | UNSW |
Dr | Gerald Roche | La Trobe University |
Professor | Janet McCalman | University of Melbourne |
Jooeun Cha | University of Queensland | |
Dr | Ruth Townsend | Charles Sturt University |
Lisa Boyd | Southern Cross University | |
Associate Professor | anonymus | Monash University |
Dr | Josh Holloway | Flinders University |
Associate Professor | Heiko Dietrich | Monash University |
Ben Nunquam | Federation University | |
anonymus | Griffith University | |
Professor | Harry Blagg | University of Western Australia |
Professor | anonymus | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | Jen Roberts | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Mark Wood | Deakin University |
Dr | Elliot Dolan-Evans | Monash University |
Tabin Brooks | Charles Sturt University | |
Professor | Olivier Buzzi | University of Newcastle |
Dr | Toby Freeman | Flinders University |
Adjunct Associate Professor | anonymus | Victoria University |
Associate Professor | Lubica Ucnik | Murdoch University |
Dr | Maureen Burns | University of Queensland |
Jackson Holloway | University of Melbourne | |
Dr | anonymus | University of Western Australia |
Dr | Melanie James | University of Newcastle |
Professor | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Dr | Neil Bailey | Monash University |
Dr | anonymus | UNSW |
anonymus | Southern Cross University | |
Richard Thorpe | University of Newcastle | |
Dr | anonymus | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Anna Bruce | UNSW |
anonymus | Flinders University | |
Dr | Thomas Baudinette | Macquarie University |
Dr | Hilton Swan | Southern Cross University |
Shahid Qadir | Third World Quarterly | |
Dr | Kellie Thomas | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | Samantha Balaton-Chrimes | Deakin University |
Adjunct Professor | John Hamblin | University of Western Australia |
Adriana Garcia | University of Wollongong | |
Associate Professor | Lisel O’Dwyer | Flinders University |
anonymus | UTS | |
Dr | Mark Jennings | Murdoch University |
Dr | Paul Vallelonga | independent |
Dr | David Gray | Charles Sturt University |
Professor | Alexey Veryaskin | University of Western Australia |
Dr | anonymus | RMIT |
Dr | anonymus | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | Alex Molnar | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Raphael Eisenhofer | University of Adelaide |
anonymus | RMIT | |
Gabrielle Gregoriou | University of Sydney | |
Dr | Larissa Sandy | RMIT |
Dr | Rebecca Colvin | Australian National University |
Dr | anonymus | Monash University |
Associate Professor | Michael Zyphur | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Sara Dehm | UTS |
Dr | Timothy Bednall | Swinburne University of Technology |
Dr | anonymus | University of New England |
Associate Professor | Rebecca Suter | University of Sydney |
Dr | Laura Griffin | La Trobe University |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Martin Young | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Daniel Rogers | University of Adelaide |
Andrea Sessional | RMIT | |
Dr | Matthew Piggott | University of Western Australia |
Dr | Oliver Vodeb | RMIT |
anonymus | University of Melbourne | |
Professor | anonymus | Flinders University |
anonymus | Australian National University | |
Associate Professor | Georgine Clarsen | University of Wollongong |
Dr | anonymus | Australian National University |
Associate Professor | Robertt Mailhammer | Western Sydney University |
Associate Professor | David Roberts | University of New England |
Associate Professor | anonymus | Flinders University |
Dr | Michelle Eastwood | Charles Sturt University |
anonymus | La Trobe University | |
Emily Foley | La Trobe University | |
Dr | Sally Dixon | University of New England |
Emeritus Professor | Helen Dunstan | University of Sydney |
Dr | Lee Fletcher | University of Queensland |
anonymus | independent | |
Professor | anonymus | University of Canberra |
Associate Professor | anonymus | University of Tasmania |
Associate Professor | Begoña Domínguez | University of Queensland |
Dr | Edward Mussawir | Griffith University |
Dr | Mia Martin Hobbs | University of Melbourne |
Professor | Sergey Suslov | Swinburne University of Technology |
Dr | Matheus Carvalho | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Jacqueline Williams | University of New England |
anonymus | University of Melbourne | |
Thomas Leatham | Monash University | |
anonymus | University of Queensland | |
Dr | Adam Stebbing | Macquarie University |
Jennifer Evans | University of New England | |
anonymus | University of Wollongong | |
Nicholas Sgro-Traikovski | University of Melbourne | |
Dr | anonymus | RMIT |
Dr | anonymus | University of Melbourne |
anonymus | UNSW | |
Dr | Andy Simionato | RMIT |
Dr | Erika Gonzalez | RMIT |
Dr | Alessandro Pelizzon | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Michelle Hamadache | Macquarie University |
Associate Professor | Andrew Murphie | UNSW |
Dr | anonymus | Murdoch University |
Dr | Millicent Churcher | University of Sydney |
Dr | Frances Flanagan | University of Sydney |
Dr | Trish Luker | UTS |
Dr | Kevin Purcell | Griffith University |
anonymus | Queensland University of Technology | |
Dr | Benjamin Schwessinger | Australian National University |
Dr | Julie Shearer | University of New England |
Professor | anonymus | RMIT |
anonymus | Monash University | |
Dr | Harold Ousley | University of Queensland |
Dr | Nick Bracanzio | University of Wollongong |
Dr | anonymus | Flinders University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Western Australia |
Associate Professor | Boris Kuhlmey | University of Sydney |
Dr | Jose Lahoz-Monfort | University of Melbourne |
Dan Santos | Monash University | |
Associate Professor | Mark Myers | Federation University |
Dr | Russell Solomon | RMIT |
Professor | Gregory Yaxley | Australian National University |
anonymus | Queensland University of Technology | |
anonymus | Southern Cross University | |
Associate Professor | Alice Gaby | Monash University |
Dr | Terry Moore | University of Tasmania |
professor | anonymus | UNSW |
Dr | Barbara Hill | Charles Sturt University |
Emeritus Professor | anonymus | La Trobe University |
Dr | anonymus | RMIT |
Dr | Luigi Gussago | La Trobe University |
Dr | Nick Cheesman | Australian National University |
Dr | Tristan Taylor | University of New England |
Professor | David Adelson | University of Adelaide |
Dr | anonymus | Deakin University |
Dr | anonymus | University of New England |
Dr | Erin Martin | Monash University |
anonymus | Monash University | |
Professor | Noah Riseman | Australian Catholic University |
Associate Professor | Susan Engel | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Deborah Donoghue | Southern Cross University |
Dr | anonymus | UNSW |
Dr | Maya Kamenetsky | University of Tasmania |
Dr | Siobhan Irving | Macquarie University |
anonymus | University of Newcastle | |
Dr | Tim Maloney | Griffith University |
Associate Professor | Laurie Berg | UTS |
Associate Professor | David Savage | University of Newcastle |
Dr | Huw Griffiths | University of Sydney |
Dr | Ingrid Wijeyewardene | University of New England |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Emeritus Professor | Phillip Deery | Victoria University |
Professor | Kirrie Ballard | University of Sydney |
Professor | Sandy Suardi | University of Wollongong |
Maddie Turner | Queensland University of Technology | |
Professor | Pedro Gomis Porqueras | Deakin University |
Associate Professor | anonymus | Deakin University |
Emeritus Professor | Susan Kenny | Deakin University |
Dr | Tri Phan | Queensland University of Technology |
Dr | Charlotte Setijiadi | Singapore Management University |
Nadia David | RMIT | |
Dr | Delphine Chabanne | Murdoch University |
Professor | Anthony Dossetto | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Nicole Wedgewood | University of Sydney |
Jennifer Murphy | Murdoch University | |
Dr | Banu Bhatia | Charles Darwin University |
Dr | anonymus | UNSW |
Dr | Jane Carey | University of Wollongong |
Ashley Perry | University of Melbourne | |
Emeritus Professor | Trevor Parmenter | University of Sydney |
Dr | Timothy Mosley | Griffith University |
Dr | Briony Neilson | University of Sydney |
Professor | Bill Boyd | Southern Cross University |
David Nesbit | EDG | |
anonymus | Flinders University | |
Dr | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Professor | Rebekah Russell-Bennett | Queensland University of Technology |
Professor | anonymus | University of Melbourne |
anonymus | Deakin University | |
Associate Professor | Elizabeth Ellis | University of New England |
Dr | anonymus | UNSW |
Brian Coffey | RMIT | |
Sompit Watkins | RMIT | |
Associate Professor | Tracey Booth | UTS |
anonymus | Deakin University | |
Associate Professor | Tim Moore | Swinburne University of Technology |
Dr | Sally Sargeant | Southern Cross University |
Krista Nichols | Murdoch University | |
Associate Professor | Patrick Dunlop | Curtin University |
Associate Professor | Simon Green | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Shelley Turner | Monash University |
Distinguished Professor, Laureate Fellow | Alexandra Aikhenvald | James Cook University |
anonymus | Southern Cross University | |
Dr | Claudia Catterall | Southern Cross University |
Professor | Iain Walker | Australian National University |
Dr | Andrew Grosse | University of Tasmania |
Associate Professor | Cai Wilkinson | Deakin University |
Associate Professor | Eddo Coiacetto | Griffith University |
Matthew Abbott | Federation University | |
Monica Sestito | University of Melbourne | |
anonymus | University of Western Australia | |
Dr | Justine Greenwood | University of Sydney |
Dr | anonymus | Monash University |
anonymus | Australian Catholic University | |
Dr | Mridula Nath Chakraborty | Monash University |
Dr | Gaynor Macdonald | University of Sydney |
Joseph Comer | RMIT | |
Associate Professor | Jane Mears | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Xochitl De la Pietad Garcia | Australian Catholic University |
Dr | Rosie Roberts | University of South Australia |
Dr | anonymus | University of Sydney |
Dr | anonymus | University of Sydney |
Dr | Kalu Davies | James Cook University |
Professor | Shane Raidal | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | anonymus | Charles Sturt University |
Professor | Brigitta Olubas | UNSW |
Dr | Beth Lovejoy | University of Adelaide |
Professor | Dennis Schmidt | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Renee Middlemost | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Adam Broinowski | Australian National University |
Dr | Matthew Lamont | Southern Cross University |
Melina Ey | University of Newcastle | |
Associate Professor | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Robert Cannon | Australian National University | |
Dr | Gurutzeta Guillera-Arroita | University of Melbourne |
Dr | George Morgan | Western Sydney University |
Professor | Elena Marchetti | Griffith University |
Associate Professor | Christopher Bellman | RMIT |
professorial Research Fellow | John Coetzee | University of Adelaide |
Dr | Kirk Essary | University of Western Australia |
Associate Professor | anonymus | RMIT |
David Wallace | University of Wollongong | |
Dr | Arianne Reis | Western Sydney University |
Professor (Em) | John Hearn | University of Sydney |
Dr | Philip Dennett | Note Dame |
Dr | Angelo Frei | University of Queensland |
Dr | Geza Benke | Monash University |
Dr | anonymus | Griffith University |
Associate Professor | Andrew Stranieri | Federation University |
Dr | Erica Millar | La Trobe University |
anonymus | Australian National University | |
Dr | anonymus | Notre Dame |
Professor | Graeme Hocking | Murdoch University |
Dr | Dominic Hyde | University of Queensland |
Dr | anonymus | University of Sydney |
Dr | anonymus | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Ingrid Ward | University of Western Australia |
Adam Robertson | Monash University | |
Associate Professor | Alice Gorman | Flinders University |
Professor | Jan Van Driel | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Russell Anderson | La Trobe University |
Dr | Ulf Steinvorth | University of Queensland |
Associate Professor | Judith Grbich | Griffith University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Tasmania |
Dr | anonymus | University of Wollongong |
Associate Professor | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Associate Professor | Michaelis Michael | UNSW |
Dr | Claire Baker | University of New England |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Hardip Patel | Australian National University |
Aidan Cornelius-Bell | Flinders University | |
Sally McKern | Queensland University of Technology | |
Lea Taylor | Southern Cross University | |
Dr | Greg Auhl | Charles Sturt University |
Danielle Hynes | UNSW | |
Dr | Glenys Noble | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Professor | Mark Lunney | University of New England |
Dr | Amy Griffin | RMIT |
Dr | Joe Blythe | Macquarie University |
Dr | Shivaun Wybury | UNSW |
Dr | Elizabeth (Liz) Rix | Southern Cross University |
Emeritus Professor | Allan Borowski | La Trobe University |
Dr | Nicholas Francois | Australian National University |
Dr | Matthew Forbes | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Kayleen Manwaring | UNSW |
anonymus | University of Queensland | |
Amy Coghlan | University of Tasmania | |
Associate Professor | Lisa O’Connell | University of Queensland |
Dr | Derya Guerer | University of Queensland |
Dr | Vicki Crinis | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Elen Shute | Flinders University |
anonymus | James Cook University | |
Dr | anonymus | Monash University |
Sarah Padgett Kjaersgaard | UNSW | |
Greg Williams | K-12 School | |
Dr | Seyed Shahrestani | Western Sydney University |
Aisha Malik | University of Sydney | |
Dr | Steven Phipps | University of Tasmania |
Dr | Melanie Fillios | University of New England |
Dr | Holly Lawford-Smith | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Anthony Kent | RMIT |
anonymus | UNSW | |
Emerita Professor | Elizabeth Martin | University of Sydney |
Professor | Iver Cairns | University of Sydney |
Dr | Ian Moffat | Flinders University |
Mike Salvaris | University of Melbourne | |
Adjunct Professor | Rosalyn Shute | Flinders University |
Dr | Nathan Clisby | Swinburne University of Technology |
Dr | Prashanti Mayfield | RMIT |
Dr | Melanie O’Brien | University of Western Australia |
Professor | Lorana Bartels | Australian National University |
Dr | Simon Foster | Monash University |
Emeritus Professor | Ian Lowe | Griffith University |
Cara-Paige Green | University of Tasmania | |
Associate Professor | Giles Hooker | Australian National University |
Dr | Mitchell Rolls | University of Tasmania |
Dr | Richard McGrath | University of South Australia |
Dr | Tim Battin | University of New England |
Dr | Leah McGarrity | Australian Catholic University |
Dr | Natasha Story | University of Melbourne |
anonymus | University of Melbourne | |
Associate Professor | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Dr | Catherine Legg | Deakin University |
Professor | anonymus | Macquarie University |
Clare Anstead | University of Melbourne | |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Professor | Dafna Merom | Western Sydney University |
David Bretreger | University of Newcastle | |
William Martin | Julalikari Council Aboriginal Corporation | |
Peter Nguyen-Hoang | Monash University | |
Dr | Amy Way | University of Sydney |
Associate Professor | Gavin Mudd | RMIT |
Dr | Peta Malins | RMIT |
Professor | Alan Lowe | RMIT |
Professor | anonymus | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Tim Thornton | Boston University |
Dr | Narelle Warren | Monash University |
Dr | anonymus | Australian National University |
Professor | Pam Sharpe | University of Tasmania |
Stephanie Houghton | La Trobe University | |
Dr | anonymus | Queensland University of Technology |
Professor | anonymus | UTS |
Associate Professor | Gillian Arrighi | University of Newcastle |
Professor | Stephen Fityus | University of Newcastle |
Dr | Diana Kelly | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Kenneth Dovey | UTS |
Liuissa Zhen | Queensland University of Technology | |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Dr | anonymus | UNSW |
Dr | anonymus | University of Wollongong |
Dr | anonymus | University of New England |
Professor | Luke McNamara | UNSW |
Dr | Brett Turner | University of Newcastle |
Dr | Naomi Wells | Southern Cross University |
Professor | Fran Baum | Flinders University |
Dr | Christopher Richardson | University of Wollongong |
Dr | Jessie Wells | University of Melbourne |
Associate Professor | Terry Sloan | Western Sydney University |
Associate Professor | Sigi Jottkandt | UNSW |
Dr | Imogen Richards | Deakin University |
Dr | John Toohey | UNSW, RMIT |
Dr | Vicki Thomson | University of Adelaide |
Dr | anonymus | University of Melbourne |
Associate Professor | Brian Jones | University of Sydney |
Brian Butler | Macquarie University | |
Dr | Renaud Joannes-Boyau | Southern Cross GeoScience Research Centre, Southern Cross University |
Dr | anonymus | Swinburne University of Technology |
Rex Walsh | Western Sydney University | |
Dr | Cristy Clark | University of Canberra |
Professor | Neal Ashkanasy | University of Queensland |
Paul Kelly | Southern Cross University | |
professor | Sergei Kuzenko | University of Western Australia |
Professor | Ravi Jagadeeshan | Monash University |
Professor | John Flood | Griffith University |
Dr | anonymus | Australian National University |
Associate Professor | Marco Faravelli | University of Queensland |
Dr | anonymus | Curtin University |
Dr | Ee Ling Sharon Quah | University of Wollongong |
Dr | anonymus | Curtin University |
Dr | Megan Campbell | University of Newcastle |
Associate Professor | Jennifer Frost | La Trobe University |
Professor | anonymus | Australian National University |
Dr | anonymus | Queensland University of Technology |
Dr | Connie Musolino | Flinders University |
Dr | Priya Chacko | University of Adelaide |
Gerry Groot | University of Adelaide | |
Professor | Joerg Frauendiener | University of Otago |
Karen Kapteinis | La Trobe University | |
Dr | Cameron Barr | University of Adelaide |
Dr | anonymus | University of South Australia |
Margaret Johnson | Southern Cross University | |
Dr | Simon Connor | Australian National University |
Professor | Simon Springer | University of Newcastle |
Victoria Jillian Wilson | Edith Cowan University | |
Dr | Steve Collins | Macquarie University |
Dr | Andrew Currie | Murdoch University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Queensland |
Dr | anonymus | University of Cambridge |
Dr | Greg Bailey | La Trobe University |
Louise Walker | Monash University | |
Dr | anonymus | Western Sydney University |
Associate Professor | Jane Quinn | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | Jacqui Theobald | La Trobe University |
Dr | Dirk Van Rooy | Australian National University |
Emeritus Professor | Robert White | University of Western Australia |
Professor | Rob Watts | RMIT |
David Ninan | Charles Darwin University | |
Emeritus Distinguished Professor | Jeff Malpas | University of Tasmania |
Dr | Maggie Tonkin | University of Adelaide |
anonymus | Monash University | |
Matt Grant | University of Southern Queensland | |
Professor | anonymus | Monash University |
Dr | Scott Fitzgerald | Curtin University |
Dr | Imre Bokor | independent |
Professor Emerita | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Jessicah Mullins | UNSW | |
James Flexner | University of Sydney | |
Dr | Jessica White | University of Queensland |
Dr | Alexis Bregantz | RMIT |
Professor | Dave Dunstan | University of Melbourne |
Dr | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Associate Professor | anonymus | Western Sydney University |
Professor | anonymus | Monash University |
Associate Professor | Emily Potter | Deakin University |
Dr | Kiyomi Yamada | University of New England |
Wenee Yap | UTS | |
Trish Dollisson | Australian National University | |
Dr | Lynn Woodward | James Cook University |
Dr | Ben Etherington | Western Sydney University |
Emeritus Professor | Judith Brett | La Trobe University |
Dr | Stefanie Fishel | University of the Sunshine Coast |
Associate Professor | Victoria Kuttainen | James Cook University |
anonymus | Queensland University of Technology | |
anonymus | University of Western Australia | |
Professor | Peter Tregear | Australian National University |
Professor | Jenny Davis | Charles Darwin University |
Dr | Ruth Barton | University of Tasmania |
Associate Professor | Catherine Frieman | Australian National University |
Associate Professor | Mike van Keulen | Murdoch University |
Danny Skewes | Aldebaran | |
Dr | Roger Lamb | University of Queensland |
Dr | anonymus | RMIT |
Associate Professor | Andrew Peters | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | Gavin Prideaux | Flinders University |
Dr | anonymus | Curtin University |
Professor | Jinsong Huang | University of Newcastle |
Kay Nankervis | Charles Sturt University | |
Dr | Trevor Saul | University of New England |
Ryan Longridge | Murdoch University | |
Dr | Leigh Burrows | Flinders University |
Dr | Tinashe Dune | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Alan Bloomfield | Curtin University |
Dr | Karen Crawley | Griffith University |
Holly Bowen | University of South Australia | |
Emeritus Professor | Ross Alford | James Cook University |
anonymus | University of Newcastle | |
Professor | anonymus | University of Queensland |
Associate Professor | Stella Tarrant | University of Western Australia |
anonymus | Macquarie University | |
Dr | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Sean Pollard | Southern Cross University | |
Dr | Duncan Farrow | Murdoch University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Canberra |
Professor | Sergey Shabala | University of Tasmania |
Dr | Jonathan Benjamin | Flinders University |
Dr | Sophie Rigney | UNSW |
anonymus | University of Newcastle | |
Professor | Rebecca Traub | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Marcus Banks | RMIT |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Paul Angel | University of Melbourne |
Associate Professor | Arvi Wattel | University of Western Australia |
Dr | Nicola Wunderlich | Charles Sturt University |
Professor | Peter Hiscock | University of Sydney |
Dr | Lyn Francis | Western Sydney University |
Simone Eclair | Queensland University of Technology | |
Dr | anonymus | Flinders University |
Dr | anonymus | University of New England |
Dr | Francis Markham | Australian National University |
Emeritus Professor | Timothy Miles | University of Adelaide |
Dr | Ioan Despi | University of New England |
Dr | anonymus | University of South Australia |
Susanne Taylor | Flinders University | |
Emeritus Professor | Susan Sheridan | Flinders University |
Emeritus Professor | David Hill | Murdoch University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Melbourne |
Una Stone | RMIT | |
Chantal Wright | Flinders University | |
Professor | James Guthrie | Macquarie University |
Professor | Terry Everitt | Australian College of Health and Wellness |
Emeritus Professor | anonymus | University of Melbourne |
anonymus | Monash University | |
Dr | anonymus | RMIT |
Professor | anonymus | UNSW |
Charles Kidd | independent | |
Professor | anonymus | Swinburne University of Technology |
Professor | Sharanne Raidal | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | Alan Libert | University of Newcastle |
Professor | Miroslav Filipovic | Western Sydney University |
Associate Professor | David Cashman | Southern Cross University |
Adjunct Professor | Gary Luck | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | Rachel Hughes | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Tony Haigh | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Nicholas Collins | University of Adelaide |
Professor | Matthew Spriggs | Australian National University |
Associate Professor | Stephen Wood | University of New England |
Elizabeth Hicks | University of Melbourne | |
anonymus | Southern Cross University | |
Dr | anonymus | UTS |
Professor | anonymus | University of Queensland |
Professor | Sandra Hale | UNSW |
Dr | anonymus | Swinburne University of Technology |
Dr | Erica Smith | University of New England |
Dr | anonymus | University of Wollongong |
Associate Professor | Sandra Savocchia | Charles Sturt University |
Professor | Peter Schwerdtfeger | Massey University |
Dr | Philipp Kastner | University of Western Australia |
anonymus | University of the Sunshine Coast | |
Carolynne Roetman | independent | |
Dr | Shokoofeh Shamsi | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
anonymus | UTS | |
Dr | Claire Loughnan | University of Melbourne |
Emeritus Professor | Martin Williams | University of Adelaide |
Professor | Anna Gibbs | Western Sydney University |
Associate Professor | Anna Walduck | RMIT |
Juan Jose Tellez | University of Melbourne | |
Emma Sheppard-simms | RMIT | |
Dr | Luisa Batalha | Australian Catholic University |
Dr | Lynette Molyneaux | University of Queensland |
Dr | anonymus | Charles Sturt University |
Associate Professor | Roger Pamphlett | University of Sydney |
Sam Bowker | Charles Sturt University | |
Ian Wilbore | independent | |
anonymus | University of Tasmania | |
Dr | Barbara Nicholson | University of Wollongong |
Madeleine Barton | Australian Catholic University | |
Professor | Peter Godfrey-Smith | University of Sydney |
Amanda Carter | Deakin University | |
Martyn Williams | Southern Cross University | |
Professor | Hans Peter Dietz | University of Sydney |
Professor | Peter Daivis | RMIT |
Dr | David Sly | Swinburne University of Technology |
Associate Professor | Cecily Maller | RMIT |
Dr | anonymus | Western Sydney University |
Dr | anonymus | Charles Sturt University |
Chris Bateup | Sydney University | |
Associate Professor | Martin Porr | University of Western Australia |
Professor | James Crowley | University of Otago |
anonymus | Western Sydney University | |
Dr | anonymus | Curtin University |
James Elibank Murray | Charles Sturt University | |
anonymus | Queensland University of Technology | |
Dr | Alistair Sisson | UNSW |
Dr | Gerard Hoffstaedter | University of Queensland |
Associate Professor | Ching-jen Sun | Deakin University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Kannan Singaravelu Jaganathan | Queensland University of Technology | |
anonymus | RMIT | |
Dr | Aaaron Cames | Flinders University |
Dr | anonymus | University of Sydney |
Dr | Amie O’Shea | Deakin University |
Carol Bradley | University of Melbourne | |
Dr | anonymus | Southern Cross University |
Associate Professor | Jane Heller | Charles Sturt University |
anonymus | Murdoch University | |
Dr | Josh Stenberg | University of Sydney |
Dr | Alistair Cook | University of Western Australia |
Helen Brown | Edith Cowan University | |
Dr | anonymus | independent |
Dr | anonymus | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | anonymus | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Nike Sulway | University of Southern Queensland |
Dr | Charles Barnes | University of Adelaide |
anonymus | University of Sydney | |
Dr | Laura Dales | University of Western Australia |
Professor | Michael Blakeney | University of Western Australia |
Professor | Justin O’Connor | University of South Australia |
Dr | Alex Vickery-Howe | Flinders University |
Dr | Kirsty Duncanson | La Trobe University |
Emeritus Professor | Tony Aspromourgos | University of Sydney |
Dr | Graham Ray | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Toby Mills | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Jorge Paz Ferreiro | RMIT |
Dr | Paul Bryan | Macquarie University |
Dr | Rachel Forgasz | Monash University |
Dr | Natalie Maystorovich | University of Sydney |
Dr | anonymus | RMIT |
Dr | Nina McCarthy | University of Western Australia |
Professor | Clare Murphy | University of Wollongong |
Associate Professor | Dirk HR Spennemann | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | Claire Horner | University of Tasmania |
Dr | Benjamin Cooke | RMIT |
Professor | Anna Hickey-Moody | RMIT |
Professor | Eileen Webb | University of South Australia |
Dr | Emma Rush | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | Magda Karagiannakis | La Trobe University |
Alasdair Kempton | Monash University | |
Dr | Carl Smith | University of Queensland |
Professor | David Walker | RMIT |
Emeritus Professor | Mike Lawson | Flinders University |
Dr | Rod Bennison | independent |
anonymus | Queensland University of Technology | |
Professor | Alison Young | University of Melbourne |
Dr | Lachlan Brown | Charles Sturt University |
Dr | Nikos Thomacos | Monash University |
Dr | Nick Osbaldiston | James Cook University |
anonymus | The University of Melbourne | |
Professor | anonymus | University of Adelaide |
Dr | Melissa Wheeler | Swinburne University of Technology |
Dr | Debra Beattie | Griffith University |
anonymus | University of Adelaide | |
Dr | Fabio Mattioli | University of Melbourne |
Professor | Julia Hush | Macquarie University |
Professor | David Falepau | Charles Sturt University |
anonymus | Flinders University | |
Emeritus Professor | Roy Jones | Curtin University |
Nelson J Burgos | Southern Cross University | |
Dr | Adrian McCallum | University of the Sunshine Coast |
Dr | anonymus | University of Wollongong |
Professor | Amanda Riechelt-Brushett | Southern Cross University |
Dr | Annie Pohlman | University of Queensland |
Professor | Andy Davis | University of Wollongong |
Dr | James Donnelly | Southern Cross University |
Dr | David Adamson | Deakin University |
Dr | anonymus | Griffith University |
Associate Professor | Trevor Wilmhurst | University of Tasmania |
anonymus | Queensland University of Technology | |
Dr | anonymus | Victoria University |
Dr | Smitha Sukumar | University of Sydney |
Professor | David Wood | Monash University |
Jen Dollin | Western Sydney University | |
Professor | Martin Christensen | Western Sydney University |
Dr | Gary Malinas | University of Queensland |
Emeritus Professor | Colin MacDougall | Flinders University |
Cathryn McCormack | Monash University | |
Dr | anonymus | Deakin University |
anonymus | University of Queensland | |
Dr | Dan Amer | University of Adelaide |
Dr | Larissa Bamberry | Charles Sturt University |
Professor | anonymus | UTS |
Dr | S A Hamed Hosseini | University of Newcastle |
Dr | Jeanette Fyffe | la Trobe University |
Emeritus Professor | Kim Economides | Flinders University |
Lisa Critchley | Murdoch University |